Second workstation, a Mac pro X? core, 8 GB ram(*A), 2x500 GB, Graphics 2, Monitors 2x30" 4Mp Color. First workstation, a Mac Pro 8 core, 16 GB ram(*A), 2x500 GB Hard Drive (*B) Graphics to drive 2 monitors(*C). So I WIll write here several of my questions/conclusions, and I will integrate into the wiki so that similar projects can view and improve recommendations. Please tell me if this is the correct place to put this information. I set up a group at yahoo to start compiling info and ideas. I would like to assemble information and opinions for integrating Osirix into the IMAGING Department of a Hospital.

OsiriX Anonymous and Developer SVN access.Forwarding a Crash Report to the Developers.Importing DICOM images into OsiriX and Viewing DICOM headers.Note: This documentation is pertinent to OsiriX version 2.7.5, but this documentation is rather dated and does not pertain to the latest version (3.8.1) of OsiriX. OsiriX is distributed under the GNU General Public License and its source code is available to anyone. OsiriX is an open source program written by Antoine Rosset, M.D., which turns an Apple Macintosh into a DICOM PACS workstation for medical imaging and image processing.